Collectible Artworks

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EXPLORE these exceptional artworks created by some of the most coveted and collectible Indigenous artists in Canada.

  • Sk’ug sdang (Two Dog Salmon)

    Robert Davidson RCA


    Serigraph, Edition of 97



    (For inquiries on Custom Framing, please contact the gallery)

    [This serigraph] is about the hope that we can change direction from global annihilation to a more balanced way of life. These two-dog salmon symbolize the last stage of their life as they swim upstream to lay their eggs ensuring another generation of dog salmon to be born. It has become more and more present-day civilization’s responsibility to ensure they will return again and again for future generations.” – Robert Davidson, 2021

  • Fisherman’s Delight

    Robert Davidson RCA


    Serigraph, Edition of 81



    (For inquiries on Custom Framing, please contact the gallery)

    “I went fishing with Reg and his friend Tom Wylie last summer. I was really taken because they were charged with excitement. They kept handing me a rod but I was just happy to watch because they were really interesting… When we went to the river to fish we were excited to know that we had replenished the food supply. Reg has constantly replenished the halibut and salmon supply for freezers in the village because he feels the need and so few people own boats.

    The focus point in this piece of art is a Spring Salmon depicted with the face of Humanity. Traditionally, the native societies were established around fishing, hunting, and gathering. The most valuable resource was salmon. For thousands of years, salmon was the primary food source for the people on the Canadian Northwest Coast. As a result of overfishing came a time of scarcity. Salmon perished and humanity depended heavily on its return. Salmon is a powerful symbol of regeneration, prosperity, and renewal for the Haida people.
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    ⁠In the bottom right corner of this painting, Kuugan Jaad (also known as Mouse Woman) comes into sight. She is a character in many Haida legends. Mouse Woman is a supernatural being. She is the mother of Raven according to the mythology. She often appears in stories as a helper or advisor to those who are on a journey or to those who have crossed (or are about to cross) to another dimension (Spirit World or the unknown). She is highly respected as she offers great wisdom to restore order and balance. According to mythology, Mouse Woman can change shapes. She can be a big eyed mouse and change into a tiny human grandmother. However, in art, her appearance is mostly abstract.⁠
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    When I’m creating a design, sometimes subconsciously Kuugan Jaad just appears in the art piece. Her form arises automatically during the creative process. It is striking because she is known to lend a helping hand to story characters in our legends.“ ~ Robert Davidson

  • Llgaay Gwii Sdiihlda (Restore Balance)

    Ben Davidson

    Price upon request

    Serigraph, Edition of 81



    (For inquiries on custom framing, please contact the gallery)

    “Llgaay Gwii Sdiihlda means to restore balance. According to my father-in-law, it applies when we are about to fall, but we manage to catch ourselves before we fall. I chose to name the print Llgaay Gwii Sdiihlda because I believe that even when we are in a state of uncertainty, we still have the ability to regain our balance.

    The print features an image of Sea Bear. Though there is not much information about him, I think of him as a protector of the ocean, which is symbolized by the blue. In Sea Bear’s mind, we can see the importance of finding balance in our lives. Sea Bear’s companion, Sea Ghost, can also be seen faintly in the waves in the background of this print. Sea Ghost represents our connections to our parents and our ancestors. In order to continue our journey forward, we must listen for the echoes of our ancestors who will help us restore balance in our lives.” – Ben Davidson, 2020

  • Two Dancing

    Robert Davidson RCA


    Serigraph, Edition of 51



    (For inquiries on custom framing, please contact the gallery)

  • Missing Pieces (XL)

    Susan Point RCA

    Price upon request

    Serigraph, Limited Edition of 10



    (For inquiries on custom framing, please contact the gallery)

  • Supernatural Eye Sculpture

    Robert Davidson RCA

    Price upon request

    Epoxy Powder-Coated Aluminum, Granite base


    Limited edition of 5

    Davidson’s inspiration in creating this contemporary sculpture was the many supernatural beings that dwell on the Haida Gwaii Islands.

    First, Davidson worked from drawings and then manipulated cut-out cards subtly before moving to prototyping the piece in different materials, sizes, and colours. Made from aluminum cut by a water-jet process, this sculpture’s thick curved planar form evokes the cut-outs used in making appliquéd blankets. Its sculptural design is innovative in its reliance on form and line and its use of negative space to create the image of the eye.

    The second edition of Supernatural Eye is currently in the collection of the National Gallery in Ottawa.

  • “Shark Woman” Sculpture

    Christian White

    Price upon request

    Argillite, Catlinite, Abalone shell

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